Іmprovement of Training of Highly Qualified Sportswomen on the Basis of Modeling of Competitive Activity in Rowing
rowing, race distance, approach, modelsAbstract
The results of athletes of Ukrainian national team in rowing, which were demonstrated in the last two four-years Olympic cycles, indicated the need in finding ways to optimize training and competitive activities of athletes. It was revealed the characteristic features of doing the race at a distance of 2000 meters by the leading crews of women’s quadruple sculls: starting period, passing of the race distance of 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 m, and the time difference between the intervals, tempo and speed on each 50 m segment.
Analysis of competitive activity of the leading crews – finalists of international competitions 2013–2016 allowed developing the model characteristics of passing the distance of 2000 m the crew of Ukrainian women’s quad to get into the top three winners and the final.
When recruiting female crew quadruple sculls in rowing it is necessary to take into account functional, technical, psychological and morphological compatibility.
It was grounded the approach to the development of modeling characteristics of competitive activity and crews of women’s quadruple sculls, where modeling was seen as a cyclical process in which actions were executed sequentially; fitness model characteristics and competitive activities were quantified and specified with respect to the female crew quadruple scull.
Orientation in the process of preparation at model time figures for the segments and on time performance at various stages of preparation of the annual cycle, as well as functional performance has allowed the successful performance of the Ukrainian women’s quadruple sculls crew to win the Olympic license and take the 4th place at the XXXI Olympic Games.
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