Сontentof the Technology of Posture Correction of Hearing Impaired Children
schoolchildren, hearing impairments, posture disorders, correction technology, variation module, physical exercises, health fitnessAbstract
The problem of correction of posture disorders in schoolchildren of 11–12 years old with hearing impairments is considered in the thesis. The social importance of the problem is highlighted and it is analyzed: modern technologies and programs for correcting pupils’ posture disturbances with deprivation of sensory systems in the process of adaptive physical education, modern concepts of the used technologies of health-improving fitness in adaptive physical education of students with deprivation of sensory systems.
On the basis of the conducted confirmatory experiment, the technology of correction of posture disturbances of schoolchildren 11–12 years old with hearing impairments using the means of health fitness was theoretically substantiated and developed. It includes the purpose, tasks, principles, conditions of implementation, three components (diagnostic, correction and control), stages of the program implementation, tools and methods that include the Fitness module, control at all stages of the study and the criteria for the effectiveness of the technology. The «itness» variation module provided various forms, means and methods of physical education, aimed at correcting the disturbances of posture of students with hearing impairments in the process of adaptive physical education.
The program of correction of disturbances of children with hearing impairments should be implemented in the process of adaptive physical education, by introducing into the educational process the fitness module developed by us using «Fitball-gymnastics», «Pilates» the block «Stabilization» and the corresponding equipment (training expander «Butterfly», the Mini Bands expander, rubber tapes, the Pilates hoops, fitbol, balancing platforms).
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