The Basic Principles of the System of Financing the Transformation of Physical Education and Sport in Ukraine
financing of physical culture, the legal culture of students, legal support of physical culture and sportsAbstract
Physical Culture and Sports provide free development raights, exercise a great influence on the formation of will and moral qualities of human development and improvement of his personality. One of the most important aspects of this development is the employment of Ukrainian citizens in physical culture and sports individually or collectively, or on a professional basis.
Today, physical culture and sports combine the economic interests of business and human responsibilities of the State, radically transformed macroeconomic sphere, qualitatively changed ownership relations in the system of sports organizations and their infrastructure, set on a market basis the activity of all sports and sports organizations, including business.
There is an urgent need for organizational and legal forms of collateral. Modern national sport acquires a qualitatively new properties characteristic of a developed society with a market economy. Commercialization of sports activities and the corresponding transformation of the entire system of organization of sport in Ukraine, relevant and objective components as well, you can not only maintain a constant logistical support of national sport, but also its dynamic development and competitiveness in the international arena.
These relations are mainly the field of regulation of civil law. Relations in the sphere of sport are moving in the plane of private and state leadership carries less impact on sports activities. Changing and methods of legal regulation of the civil law, economic relations – in favor of private law.
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