Peculiarities of the Factor Structure of Physical Development and Physical Fitness of Women of the First Mature Age in the Course of Fitness Practicing



factor structure, women, mature age, body type


Increased interest of women of mature age to fitness training, having a positive effect on the physical and psychological state, causes an increase in attention of researchers to the scientific substantiation of the content of classes for ensuring their effectiveness.Among the ways of increasing efficiency, we should pay attention to the factor structure of physical development, physical fitness and physical activity of women, which may be used as the basis for a program of differentiated impact. The objective of the study was to determine the factor structure of physical development, physical fitness and physical activity of women of the first mature age, as the basis for a differentiated approach to building recreational fitness training.In the process of the study, 46 women of the first mature age were practicing fitness in fitness clubs of Kyiv. Participants of the study agreed to participate in the study. Among the research methods were used: analysis and synthesis of data from scientific and methodological literature, anthropometric research methods, methods for determining physical activity, physical fitness of women of the first mature age, the results of the study were analyzed using the methods of mathematical statistics. It was defined the factor structure of indicators of physical development, physical fitness and motor activity of women of the first mature age who are systematized according to their body type, confirming the presence of differences in its content.In the factor structure of women with asthenic body type, the leading position was taken by the factor «Physical development and physical activity of the seated and low-level»; among women with normosthenic body type the leading position was taken by «Physical fitness and motor activityof basic level», and hypersthenic body type – «Anthropometric indicators and physical fitness». Taking into account of this factor structure in the development of exposure tools can help improve the effectiveness of recreational fitness classes.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Peculiarities of the Factor Structure of Physical Development and Physical Fitness of Women of the First Mature Age in the Course of Fitness Practicing. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 70-76.