A Dynamics of the Special Physical Preparedness of Volley-ballers is in the Process of Annual Training Cycle
volley-ballers, special physical preparedness, training cycle, intercommunication, technical preparednessAbstract
In the article the dynamics of the special physical preparedness and intercommunication of it are reflected with technical preparedness. It is well-proven that under act of methodology of the speed-up special physical preparedness the indexes of technical preparation improve more effectively.
Experimental methodology sent to intensive development of the special physical qualities in considerable measures positively influenced on the whole on the special physical preparedness of volley-ballers of experimental group. Сomparing the scores of establishing and forming experiments under act of authorial methodology of volley-baller of experimental group attained considerable scores on the all investigational indexes of the special physical preparation.
On all indexes of the special preparation of volley-baller ЕG, comparing to data of control group, substantially improved the scores (р < 0,01÷0,001). It is explained by that in KG not used practically, so widely the special exercises for trainer devices that considerably accelerated development indexes of the special preparation. Although the reaction of players of different line of business was different depending on complication and character of display in non-standard terms.
The got scores of research of the special physical preparedness and her intercommunication testify with the indexes of technical preparedness, that under act of authorial methodology of volley-baller considerably improved the indexes of technical preparation.
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