Pedagogical Component of Influence of a Complex Physical Therapy Program for People with Special Needs who Have Visual Impairments


  • Yuliia Arieshyna Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko
  • Yana Kopytina Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko
  • Olesya Perepechenko Kyiv City Center for Social, Professional and Labor Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
  • Iryna Skrypka Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko


motor activity, a person with special needs, physical therapy, rehabilitation, visual impairments


Exercising is not only means of improving of general condition for people with deep visual impairments, but also an important social and psychological factor. However, there are not enough data that display the possibility of forming interest in physical activity in an adult group of people who have such pathology during a course of physical therapy. Objective: to explore the possibilities of forming readiness to continue active recreational physical training after completing a physical therapy course at the sanatorium-resort stage for people with special needs who have visual impairments. Tasks: 1) to clarify the participants’ expectations from the physical therapy course; 2) to study the attitude to recreational physical activity (both independent and under the guidance of a physical therapist); 3) to identify the desire and willingness to engage in the physical therapy course and in the future, after its completion. Material and methods. The study was conducted at the Western Rehabilitation and Sports Center of the National Sports Committee for the Disabled of Ukraine. The study involved 40 persons with complete or partial loss of vision at the age of 1835 years. In order to solve the research problems, a survey was conducted at the beginning and at the end of the physical therapy course. Results. At the end of the physical therapy course, the majority of the respondents in the main group showed an increase in self-confidence as for performance of recreational and rehabilitation activities, as well as an increasing interest in physical activity. 75 % of them were satisfied with the results of the physical therapy program. 60 % approved the idea of independent health-improving exercises. 70 % reported on a definite desire to continue systematic physical exercises in the future. Conclusions: the use of the developed comprehensive program of physical therapy for people with special needs who have visual impairments contributed to the formation of the desire for independent and specially organized forms of health-improving physical activity, as well as the creation of prerequisites for a further successful course of compensation, adaptation and socialization.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Pedagogical Component of Influence of a Complex Physical Therapy Program for People with Special Needs who Have Visual Impairments. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 104-110.