Мethodical Bases of Special Physical Training Designed to Enhance the Functionality of Providing Special Endurance of Middle-distance Runner


  • Hamouda Sadadi National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Alexander Ieremenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


functional software, middle-distance running, specifically endurance, training structure


The realities of the modern competitive activities require an active search for new technologies of training athletes practice requires study and development of various ways to improve the system of sports training. Studies carried out on the material performance sports and in particular cyclic sports, provide a basis for the structural analysis of competitive activity through the prism of functional maintenance of special endurance, and isolation on this basis, the functional components ensure competitive activity.

The practical attention is drawn to the possibility of the formation of conditions for the realization of biological knowledge in the direction of establishing a system of training loads. The approaches presented in the literature and tested in practice, make it possible to optimize the traditional sport for physical training system with the help of a slight correction parameters of training loads, and on this basis, send them to a specific increase in the functional mechanism for special endurance.

The presented approach to the special physical training of middle distance runners suggests improving the effectiveness of training loads based on criteria for the implementation of biological adaptation and improvement on this basis, the structure of training athletes.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

Мethodical Bases of Special Physical Training Designed to Enhance the Functionality of Providing Special Endurance of Middle-distance Runner. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 18, 245-250. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/455