Grounding and Development of the Program with the Use of Facilities of Ecological Tourism for the Children of Midchildhood


  • Helen Andreeva National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Inna Golovach National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


students of primary school, ecotourism, recreational and health improving program


The program of activity for primary school children is theoretically substantiated and developed that involves the use of the means of ecotourism and focused on the increase of the level of ecological culture, physical activity, and indices of physical state. Methods of research include analysis of special scientific and methodological literature; study and generalization of pedagogical experience; anthropometric research methods, methods of pedagogical and psychological diagnosis (observation, conversation, pedagogical experiment), a qualitative analysis of the results of the experiment, methods of mathematical analysis of the results of the study. The study involved 191 of 2–4 grade students of secondary schools N 62, 85, 241 in Kiev. Based on the data of ascertaining experiment the schedule of the program for primary school students is presented. The program lasts for 106 hours and consisted of theoretical and practical material. The paper presents the structure and content of the program, which includes educational and environmental, research, cultural and entertaining, informational and health improving activities, and practical lessons as well.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Grounding and Development of the Program with the Use of Facilities of Ecological Tourism for the Children of Midchildhood. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 17, 77-83.