Teaching Students to Methods of Self-evaluation and Monitoring of the Status and Level of Health for All Years of Study


  • Ruslana Valetska Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


static health, dynamic health, personal sanatory system


It is indicated that the main task of a school subject «Health Basics» is the development of studentsʼ motivation to respect for life and health; formation of students’ beliefs regarding sustainable priority health as a basic condition for the implementation of physical, mental, social and spiritual potential of man according to its individual characteristics; methods of teaching students self-esteem and status control and the level of health in all years of study. The article outlines that the effective resolution of the issue of preservation and promotion of health and its impact on the formation of the schoolboy possible by the use of appropriate pedagogical – valeological technology in learning the subject «Fundamentals of Health». Actually the teacher bases of health in terms of optimizing training - training process, in order to develop healthy lifestyles and health student should have a structured theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities to teach students methods of self-assessment and monitoring of health status and in all years of study; know the principles of construction and general requirements for individual sanatory system.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Teaching Students to Methods of Self-evaluation and Monitoring of the Status and Level of Health for All Years of Study. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 17, 83-88. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/474