Prospects and Opportunities of Computer Technology use in the Training of Young Football Players
young athletes, information technologies, multimediaAbstract
Modern theoretical knowledge and significant experience in the field of sport training and education management allow us critically evaluate approaches towards training process of football players, track positive developments, identify potential capacities for further improvement of the training process.
With the development of the modern technologies in sports training, its application in the training process has become an actual issue of the pedagogical and scientific research. On-going development of the information systems provides opportunities to search for new areas of application of modern information technologies in sports science and practice; it also gives new perspectives for the optimization of information processes in education.
The goal is to develop a multimedia information and methodological system «TORSO» for further use in the training process of young footballers. The research methods used are the analysis of specialized scientific and methodological literature and observation of trainees.
Developed educational multimedia program consists of theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical section includes independent and interrelated balanced blocks of information on: correct posture, posture disorders, and specifics of static and dynamic mode.
The practical section includes photo and visual information of the specialized physical exercises aimed at correcting posture disorders during the training sessions.
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