Methods of Physical Loads Dosing in People with Hypertension During Kinesitherapy Sessions


  • Yevhen Mykhalyuk Zaporizhzhia State Medical University
  • Georgiy Korobeynikov National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


physical therapy, kinesitherapy, ergometry, functional test, metabolic equivalent, HR-monitoring


Topicality. Considering the important role of physical activity in primary and secondary cardiovascular prophylaxis, as well as taking into account that modern means allow to precisely dose both «external» and «internal» loads, search and improve methods of its dosing for persons with arterial hypertension in the classroom kinesitherapy is an urgent task. The objective of the study was to determine the methods of load dosing in individuals with arterial hypertension during kinesitherapy sessions based on the analysis of scientific literature. To this end, the following tasks were set: to determine reliable methods for assessing the initial physical and functional state, to determine reliable methods for estimating the volume and intensity of the load, to establish criteria for dosing the «external» load and to establish criteria for dosing the «internal» load during kinesitherapy sessions in people with arterial hypertension. Results of the Work. Persons with arterial hypertension should monitor their physical and functional state. It is necessary to conduct it at the initial and current stages of the program. The reliable methods (ergometric with ecocardiography, diagnostics of heart rate variability, neurocognitive testing, etc.) should be used. Dosage should be based on both «external» and «internal» sides of the load. To individualize the program of kinesotherapy the pulsometry should be used. Conclusions. For an effective rehabilitation process of physical rehabilitation of people with arterial hypertension, it is advisable to determine their physical and functional state which will be the criterion of physical activity dosing. Individualization of the kinesitherapy program should be carried out using the method of pulsometry.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Methods of Physical Loads Dosing in People with Hypertension During Kinesitherapy Sessions. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 157-163.