Morphobiomechanical Features of Football Players at the Initial Stage of Preparation
morphobiomechanical characteristics, football players, posture, initial preparation stageAbstract
The objective is to identify the most common posture disorders in young football players and to study the somatometric and goniometric features of this contingent. The material: 179 football players took part in the study (7 years old n = 72; 8 years old n = 61; 9 years old n = 46). Results: the obtained data allowed to reveal the negative dynamics of the state of posture in young football players. In football players of 7 years old, normal posture was observed in 66,67 % of the examined, while in children of 8 years old this number decreased to 60,66 %, and the number of football players of 9 years old with normal posture was 45,65 %. It was determined that the most common type of impaired posture in all studied age groups is impaired posture in the sagittal plane – round back. It has been established that posture disorders affect the change in goniometric indices of the body of young football players. Conclusions. The obtained information is the basis for the scientific development and further testing of the technology for correcting postural disorders in football players at the initial preparation stage.
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