Motive and Valuable Attitude of Future Teachers of Physical Education Towards Professional Activity
motive, system, physical education, training, qualification, interest, facilities, methods, rankingsAbstract
The article focuses on the conditions of the development of Ukrainian society, physical culture and sport and an important part of human culture and factors of national progress. The prior approach to improvement of modern system of priority physical education is the development of ways, facilities and methods of physical culture and health- teaching and educational sphere. It is known that mastering of pedagogical profession is always motivated many-sided. Motivation of professional choice consists of many components. That’s why the development of motivation is not a simple increasing positive or negative attitude toward the choice of profession, but a complication of motivational sphere’s structure which is behind them and which is a part of motivation. The progress of studies and professional activities depends on professional choice. So the motive of professional choice is one of basic psychological indicators which characterize the readiness to professional activity.
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