Dosing of Physical Load in the Process of Independent Physical Exercising


  • Volodymyr Zakhozhyy


physical qualities, method, training, physical load


The peculiarities of physical load dosing in the process of independent physical exercising have been considered in the article. Independent work is becoming an important factor of searching hidden reserves and ways of optimization of physical education process because of students’ insufficient quantity of compulsory lessons and moving activity deficiency.

Physical load dosing for independent physical exercising has been developed in connection with defining the drawbacks in general and special physical fitness. It has been researched that the development of physical capacity takes place on the basis of regular and systematic training with frequent load repetitions. It is necessary to add the load over a long period of time.

The above mentioned approach together with continuous physical exercising gives the possibility to provide a purposeful and efficient development of physical qualities.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Dosing of Physical Load in the Process of Independent Physical Exercising. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 9, 81-84.