The Recreational Orientation of Means of Athletic Gymnastics to the Category of the Pupils of Higher School Age


  • Sergey Nikolayev
  • Vasyl Voytovych


pupils of higher school age, physical efficiency, means of athletic gymnastics, recreational orientation


Among the current issues of physical education of pupils the specific problem which is connected with healing effect of means of athletic gymnastics to the pupil’s organism is taken a considerable place.

The problems of investigation – to evaluate the level of physical efficiency of lads and to detect the effectiveness of impact of means of athletic gymnastics to youth physical healing. The positive impact of regular lessons of athletic gymnastics is determined to the development of physical efficiency, fitness level and pupil’s healing.

The exercises of athletic gymnastics, loading for lads’ opportunities kindly impact on their health, improve the organs capacity and systems of the young organism.

Taking into the consideration that adolescence is the most favorable for developing power capacities and morphofunctional parameters pedagogical impact gives the greatest effect if to apply them purposefully at this age.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

The Recreational Orientation of Means of Athletic Gymnastics to the Category of the Pupils of Higher School Age. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 9, 85-88.