Human Foot Biomechanics as an Indicator of Health Status
foot, biomechanical properties, disorders, musculoskeletal system, diagnostics, statodynamic postureAbstract
Topicality. According to the scientific community data, the study of the state of human motility through the prism of biomechanical aspects allows us to highlight those features that largely determine the nature and direction of its development as a biological species. Among the various pathologies of the lower extremities of a human, the most common are disorders of the motor function of a foot. Many researchers have found that unfixed violations of feet of children over time can lead to serious changes in the whole body and cause pathology. Objective of the study is to analyze and systematize scientific and methodological knowledge on the state of biomechanics of the human foot, as an indicator of health. Methods of the research – analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature. Summarizing the data of numerous studies, we can conclude that the foot is the most important structural element of the musculoskeletal system of a human, provides its statolocomotor function and is an integral morphofunctional object on which the human motor function depends. It is worth noting that the fundamental data on the patterns of changes in the basic structural elements of the foot, its functions depending on static and dynamic loads, geometric and functional features are also relevant to ensure the selection of methods of physical rehabilitation, design and manufacture of corrective devices and products, health-forming technologies in the process of physical education and sports training. Among the measures of prevention violations of the support-spring properties of the foot, experts indicate the use of orthopedic shoes, biomechanical electrical stimulation, physical education, in particular jumping on an elastic support. Biomechanical diagnosis of the condition of the feet and its correction is an essential element in the prevention of a number of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Prospects for further research will be associated with the development of a program of physical rehabilitation of young athletes with impaired biomechanical properties of the foot
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