Characteristics of Biostatic Body Indicators of Children of Senior Preschool Age with Various Body Postures
disorders of the supporting-motor apparatus, children of the senior preschool age, biostatic and goniometric indicatorsAbstract
Functional disorders of supporting-motor apparatus have an impact on the formation and physical development of the child’s body, which is especially important for children of the senior preschool age. The aim of the investigation: to study biostatic indicators of children of senior preschool age with different body postures. Research techniques: the analysis of specialist literature, pedagogical observation, anthropometric method, methods of estimating the localization of children’s common centre of gravity by graphic method and stability of children’s body, methods of mathematical statistics. Established that most children with posture, the most common of these is the posture in the frontal plane. Violation posture affect the stability of the body biostatychni performance of children who most clearly reflected in terms of the moment resistance of the body.
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