Strengthening of Lumbar Spine with the Help of Unstable Sphere Training Simulator
strengthening, lumbar spine, injure, unstable sphere, training simulator, physical exercisesAbstract
Nowadays illnesses and traumas of spine are widely distributed. Spine illnesses are diagnosed among 80% of men and 60% of women aged below 50. Among means for renewing of lumbar spine functions there are special physical exercises and technical means. Complex usage of modern technologies of physical rehabilitation reduces terms of recovery after illnesses and traumas of lumbar spine. Task: to analyze peculiarities of strengthening of lumbar spine with the help of unstable sphere training simulators. Results: it was defined peculiarities of strengthening of lumbar spine by physical exercises on unstable sphere training simulators that may be used for renewing of spine functions. Conclusions: physical exercises on an unstable sphere training simulator BOSU is an effective means of strengthening of lumbar spine.
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