Efficiency of Aqua Fitness in Physical Education of Junior Schoolchildren
primary schoolchildren, aqua fitness, level of physical health, programming, recreational effectivenessAbstract
In the article there is studied the up-to-date system of development of programs of aqua-classes at primary schoolchildren; offered some sets of aqua fitness exercises, analyzed specificity of healthy impact of aqua exercises of different intensity onto the organism of primary schoolchildren. The aim of the investigation: to determine the efficiency of using the means of aqua fitness in process of physical education of junior schoolchildren. Research techniques: theoretical analysis and integration of data from scientific-methodological literature, anthropometric and physiological research techniques, pedagogical methods (pedagogical observation, tests, experiments), method of rapid assessment of the level of physical health of children and adolescents, methods of mathematical statistics. During the research there has been substantiated a program of classes involving the innovative aqua fitness techniques for primary schoolchildren of physical health low level. In the result of executed researches there has been revealed the more positive impact of the developed program to the level of physical preparation, morph functional status, the state of schoolchildren health in comparison with generally accepted methodology.
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