Formation Ways of the Domestic Training System for Master’s in Physical Therapy in the Framework of the REHAB Project
master’s level of education, physical therapy, educational and professional programAbstract
Based on the priority directions of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of healthcare reform, an analysis of training system for master’s in physical therapy is carried out. Research methods – analysis and generalization of experience for training specialists in physical therapy in EU countries and the new educational, professional program and curriculum for the second (master) level of higher education in specialty 227.1 «Physical Therapy» Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Department of NUUPES. The study revealed a number of problematic issues in the discrepancy between the training programs of physical therapists in Ukraine and the requirements of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy in the European Space (ER-WCPT). The new international educational project «Innovative rehabilitation education – the introduction of new master’s programs in Ukraine» (REHAB), which is being implemented, provides the opportunity to: increase the professional capacity of university professors; creation of new resources for teaching / learning / assessment; creation of a special educational infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the new national vocational program in physical therapy. An analysis of educational programs was conducted and the experience of forming general and professional competences within the categories of knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities, judgments and approaches in the education of physical therapists in the European Union countries was studied. The development and implementation of new (pilot) educational master’s programs in physical therapy contribute to the training in Ukraine of highly qualified specialists in physical therapy according to European standards.
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