Characteristics of the Physical Fitness of Mature Women Involved in Slide Aerobics
slide aerobics, women of the second period of adulthood, leisure structure, motivation, socio-psychological sphereAbstract
Numerous studies have proved that one of the main determinants of slowing down the aging process, maintaining health, and increasing physical activity for people of the second adulthood are systematic exercises in health fitness. Recently, middle-aged women have shown significant interest in various types of fitness classes. The popularity of slide aerobics is growing every year, the arsenal of used tools is being replenished. The objective of the research is to determine the characteristics of physical fitness of women of the second period of adulthood involved in slide aerobics. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics.
The study showed that women who participated in the experiment showed a decrease in the power abilities of the upper extremities and the shoulder girdle and lower extremities, it was found that women 40–44 years old per minute squat less than 32,6 and 16,5 % less than once perform the test exercise «bending-extension of the hands from the starting position while standing on your knees». It should be added that in both cases, women aged 36–39 years old showed a statistically significant (p <0,05) better result than women 40–44 years old. It was also found that women aged 36–39 years old are statistically significantly (p <0,05) better, namely, they perform test exercises «Raising the torso in a sedge per minute» by 29,3 % more, which indicates a decrease in strength endurance of the abdominal muscles in women aged 40–44 years old.
The prospects for further research are related to the development of technology aimed at improving the motility of women of the second period of adulthood using the means of a slide aerobics system
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