Dynamics of Health-Related Quality of Life Indicators in the Surgical Treatment of Traumatic Upper Limb Neuropathies
quality of life, neuropathy, upper limb, SF-36 questionnaire, ARAT testAbstract
Relevance. Assessment of the quality of life in recent years has become of great importance in world medical practice as an indicator of the general condition of the patient, the effectiveness of medical and rehabilitation measures and is used as a prognostic criterion. Objective: to analyze the dynamics of health-related quality of life indicators in the surgical treatment of traumatic neuropathies of the upper limb. Material and Methods. The study involved 123 patients with the consequences of damage to the peripheral nerves of the upper limb who were treated at the State Institution «Neurosurgery Institute named after Acad. A. P. Romodanova NAMS of Ukraine» from 2017 to 2018. Patients were divided into 2 groups: the main group (61 people) and the comparison group (62 people). In the main group, we used the program of rehabilitation measures that we developed, in the comparison group - the standard one, which is used in this category of patients. The therapy lasted 6 months. Methods: analysis and synthesis of data from scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, rehabilitation examination, survey, methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. To assess quality of life, we used the «Brief Health Status Assessment Questionnaire» (MOS SF-36) and the ARAT (Action Research Arm Test). Results. When analyzing the initial state of physical and psychological health using the SF-36 questionnaire, it was found that patients with traumatic neuropathies in the physical health component scored an average of 53,2 ± 6,4 points. Mental health indicators in these patients did not differ significantly from physical health (57,8 ± 7,1 points). The average ARAT test at the initial examination was 27 ± 4,2 points. After the rehabilitation course, we noted an improvement in the quality of life in patients of both groups and the functional state of the affected upper limb according to the ARAT test. Thus, a survey of patients of the main group on SF-36 showed that their average score was 79,6 ± 8,1 points, which is significantly higher than in the comparison group 67,2 ± 6,9 points. The re-examination of the ARAT test showed a greater number of patients in the main group who performed better on the ARAT subtests. Conclusions. Physical therapy tools effectively affect the quality of life and function of the hands of patients with traumatic lesions of the peripheral nerves.
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