Modern Theoretical and Organizational-Methodological Aspects and Prospects for Improving the Physical Preparedness of Students


  • Zavydivska Zavydivska Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyj


рhysical training, physical preparedness, students, physical education, health, valueological concept


Modern theoretical and organizational-methodical aspects and prospects for improvement of physical preparedness of students are generalized. The structure of physical preparedness in valueological direction is singled out. The theoretical and organizational-methodical aspects of improving the system of physical preparedness of students are revealed. The organizational-pedagogical conditions and principles of perfection of physical preparedness of students are generalized. The features of the content of modern technology of physical preparedness of students are revealed. The most important goal of testing the physical capabilities of the body within the valueological concept of physical preparedness is recognized by the promotion of health, as well as the desire to optimize the functional capacity of the body. In the indicated valueological concept, physical preparedness is considered next to the mental and social preparedness as an important component of human health. In this perspective, physical preparedness is a source and a prerequisite for the future full-fledged life of graduates of higher education institutions. Define from such perspective physical preparedness is the source and precondition of the future full life activity of graduates of higher educational establishments.


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Technologies of Education in Physical Сulture

How to Cite

Modern Theoretical and Organizational-Methodological Aspects and Prospects for Improving the Physical Preparedness of Students. (2017). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 28, 38-43.