Tay-bo – as One of Untraditional Forms of Organization of Employments Physical Exercises Among the Students of IFKZ


  • Victoria Petrovych


fitness, karate, endurance, tay-bo, elements of boxing, shots by a leg, shots by a hand, aeroboxing, karate-aerobics, kardiokikboksing, ki-bo, tay-kik, paverstrayk


One of directions of fitness is analysed in the article – tay-bo, and his influence is certain on functional possibilities of students 4 courses of institute of physical culture and health. It is direction, foremost, interesting that harmoniously combines in itself the different types of single combats and it in same queue is one of principal reasons of distribution of this direction among men and women. The elements of karate develop, and boxing-strengthens the muscles of body. Except for it, employment of tay-bo is promoted immunity, improve a reaction, activate the cordially vascular system, give the charge of cheerfulness, promote vital tone, train force and endurance and, certainly, in maximally short spaces allow to whip off superfluous weight.

Unfortunately trainings of tay-bo befit only for people in a good physical form. For absolutely unprepared follows, at first, to do some work more simple types of fitness. And only since general physical tone will rise, muscles and tendon will become stronger, it is possible to proceed to trainings of tay-bo.

Similarly, the requirements have employment of tay-bo to regularity. This be very important. If there is not possibility regularly to visit training, it is better to choose more simple loadings.


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Tay-bo – as One of Untraditional Forms of Organization of Employments Physical Exercises Among the Students of IFKZ. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 9, 54-58. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/659