The Constitution Correction of the Highly Skilled Sportsmen Specializing in Bodybuilding, in the Preparatory Period of the Year Cycle
bodybuilding, constitution correction, a year cycleAbstract
In the article on the basis of scientific-methodical literature analysis focuses on the essence of the bodybuilding sport, which is directed development of various body parts by increasing the volume and improving the relief muscles, athletic build. Identified the need to consider effective approaches to correction of the physique athletes in bodybuilding for the achievement of high sport results. The aim of the research is the development of the correction program of highly skilled sportsmen bodybuilders constitution in the preparatory period of the year cycle. It is revealed, that physique athletes, specializing in bodybuilding, has expressed spatially organized by the specifics and due to the peculiarities of the mass formation of various body biolinks of athlete. As a result of testing of pilot programmes identified their effectiveness at the correction of highly skilled sportsmen constitution specializing in bodybuilding.
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