Efficiency of Introduction of the Posture Correction Technology for Children with Hearing Impairments with the Use of Health Fitness in the Process of Adaptive Physical Education


  • Roman Ivanitsky Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


schoolchildren, hearing impairments, correction technology, hpysical exercises, health fitness, variation module, posture disorders


Efficiency of the author's technology is determined during the transformation experiment. During the transformation experiment, positive dynamics have been achieved: angular characteristics of the sagital position of posture, which significantly (p <0.05) improve in 11–12 year old boys and girls, with the exception of the body angle of the trunk in 11-year-old boys, changes that are statistically not significant (p> 0.05): at the age of 11 years the angle of inclination of the head decreases in boys by 19,8%, in girls – by 16,6%; the angle of inclination of the body decreases in the boy by 4,8%, in girls – by 2,3%; at the age of 12 years the angle of inclination of the head decreases in the guys by 18,2%, in girls – by 16,2%; the angle of inclination of the body decreases in the boys by 1,2%, in girls – by 0,6%; the vertical stability of the body, among which the values of the static balance of the body (in the closed eyes test) were significantly increased (p <0,05) in boys and girls aged 11 years old, respectively, by 22,6 and 26,9%, respectively, and at the age of 12 years old in 21,2 and 22,6%, and the static balance of the body (in the open-eyes test) in boys and girls aged 11 years old – respectively, by 34,6 and 36,3 %, and at the age of 12 years old – by 27,4 and 24,8%; Static endurance of the muscles of the front of the body and legs. These indicators were significantly (p <0,05) increased in boys aged 11 years by 4,0%, at the age of 12 years – by 4,6 %, in girls aged 11–12, the increase was 30,2% at each age; Static endurance of the muscles of the back of the trunk and legs. The indicators were significantly (p <0,05) increased in boys aged 11 years old by 3,6%, at the age of 12 – by 4,5 %; in girls aged 11 years old – by 4,0% and at the age of 12 – by 3,1%. The results obtained show improvement of the posture status. The analysis of the results of physical fitness gives grounds to state that in schoolchildren of 11-12 years, the indicators of strength, speed-strength qualities, speed and agility have significantly improved (p <0,05). The exception is only an indicator of flexibility that undergoes significant (p <0,05) changes only in boys aged 11 and girls aged 12 years old. Statistically significant (p <0,05) also improved the index of Quetelet. The conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the technology of correcting the disturbances of posture of 11–12 year-old schoolchildren with hearing impairments using the means of health fitness in the process of adaptive physical education.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Efficiency of Introduction of the Posture Correction Technology for Children with Hearing Impairments with the Use of Health Fitness in the Process of Adaptive Physical Education. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 31, 25-30. http://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/19