Features of the Structure of Leisure, Motivational Priorities for Slide-Aerobics and the Socio-Psychological Sphere of Women in the Second Period of Mature Age


  • Tetyana Prylutska National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Tamara Khabinets National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Spor
  • Olha Lazko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Spor
  • Vladyslav Danylchenko National Academy of Internal Affairs


slide aerobics, women of the second period of mature age, leisure structure, motivation, , social and psychological sphere, social and psychological sphere


Topicality. The analysis of the scientific literature indicates that scientists agree that one of the main problems of modern society is preserving and maintaining physical health of women in the second period of mature age at the proper level. According to experts, women's health issues become more acute the more noticeable the success of civilization. The objective of the study: to identify the features of the structure of leisure, motivational priorities for the slide-aerobics classes and the socio-psychological sphere of women in the second period of adulthood. The research methods: analysis and synthesis of data from scientific and methodological literature, sociological research methods, methods of mathematical statistics. The contingent of the examined was at an ascertaining stage of the study 49 women aged 36–44 years old. Due to the study we found out that women aged 36–39 and 40–44 years old have different motives for slide aerobics, plan leisure activities in different ways, and evaluate the effect that they had under the influence of the trainings classes. Despite the absence of differences between education and type of work, the type of movement during the day, the attitude to food, as well as between the factors that encourage them to do slide-aerobics, as opposed to women aged 40–44, women aged 36–39 years appraise more highly own state of health, physical performance and physical condition, as well they are more satisfied with their appearance. At the same time, women of 36–39 years old in the classroom perceive loads as weaker than women of 40-44 years old. These results suggest that it is advisable to take into account the specific characteristics of women in each age subgroup when developing programs for slide-aerobic health classes. Prospects for further research are related to the development of technology aimed at improving the motility of women in the second period of mature age using the slide-aerobics system.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Features of the Structure of Leisure, Motivational Priorities for Slide-Aerobics and the Socio-Psychological Sphere of Women in the Second Period of Mature Age. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 31, 45-54. http://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/22