Historical Aspects of Formation and Development of Volyn Regional School of the Highest Sports Mastery


  • Volodymyr Yalovyk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Anton Yalovyk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Kateryna Banzeruk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


Volyn regional school of the highest sports mastery, highly qualified athletes, departments, sport achievements, rating, kinds of sport


Topicality. Volyn regional school of the highest sports mastery aims its work at realization of state programs, presidential decrees, implementation of Volyn Regional State Admi­nistration orders in the field of physical culture and sports. That is why the main area of activity of Volyn regional school of the highest sports mastery is training of high-class athletes for the national Ukrainian teams of certain kinds of sport. The athletes of Volyn regional school of the highest sports mastery worthily represent Volyn region and our country at national and international competitions of different kinds. For many times they won international competitions and raised the flag of our country. Our society should know such remarkable athletes. An important contribution to the success of athletes is made by coaches who should be known and respected as well. Each victory and defeat of athletes is recorded in the history of sports development. Therefore the events that happened during the period of the school work should be recorded in documents, research papers, mass media publications. So, investigations of this direction are topical.

The aim of the investigation: to explore the formation and activity of Volyn regional school of the highest sports mastery and the performances of athletes within the period from 1992 to 2016.

Methods of the investigation: historical and pedagogical analysis of archival documents and records, the analysis of self-control diaries, questioning of coaches and athletes, sport organizations reports.

The results of the investigation show the formation and work of Volyn regional school of the highest sports mastery which has been achieving significant results in the national and international competitions already for 24 years. The students glorified the region and our country at the Championships of Europe and the world and at the Olympic games, and their names were recorded in the history of sports development.


1. Волинська обласна школа вищої спортивної майстерності [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : http://sportschool.org.ua/.
2. Мазурчук О. Т. Сучасний стан. Проблеми та перспективи розвитку сфери фізичної культури і спорту на Волині / О. Т. Мазурчук, О. В. Амброзяк // Молодіжний науковий вісник. Фізичне виховання і спорт / Волин. нац. ун-т імені Лесі Українки. – Луцьк, 2007. – С. 23–27.
3. Статистичні дані ВОШВСМ/ Луцький центральний архів. – 1992–2015 рр.





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How to Cite

Historical Aspects of Formation and Development of Volyn Regional School of the Highest Sports Mastery. (2016). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 22, 9-12. http://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/264