Stating a Slice of Physical Development of Students of Music Schools


  • Maria Gogol Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


anthropometric data, physical development, functional, performance, musical talent, pupils, music school


In studies of the problem of the physical development of students of music schools is no theoretical and experimental study of the interaction of the presence of locomotion and musical abilities. The urgency of the problems caused by government priorities on the formation of a physically fit and healthy young generation, the contradictions between the needs of education in the efficient use of integration processes in the performance of musical-rhythmic and gymnastic movements, with a view to the harmonious development of children of primary school age and the lack of theoretical study and practical development of process.

The main task of music education is not so much the child's acquisition of specialized knowledge as mastery of the science of life. After all, society needs a viable, independent, practically skilful, creative personality with a strong sense of responsibility, dignity, conscience, is therefore a priority of values, moral, social and physical development of the individual from the first years of his life.

As a result of ascertaining the study obtained data on the physical development of pupils of musical schools of Ivano-Frankivsk region. The data analysis of the physical development of students of music schools allowed to state that serednonormativni indicators are more than half of the surveyed. There was no statistical significance of survey results between children of different musical disciplines. The study found that the main criterion effectiveness of training activities in the plane realization of musical abilities of children is a psycho-physical qualities of Maturity.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Stating a Slice of Physical Development of Students of Music Schools. (2019). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 19, 82-86.