Socio-Pedagogical Structure of Men aged 36–45 Years old Engaged in Recreational Fitness


  • Yuliya Rudenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Tamara Khabinets National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Serhiy Vatamaniuk National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


social and pedagogical structure, men aged 36-45 years old, health-improving fitness


The article highlights the issues of social and pedagogical structure of men of mature age who are engaged in recreational fitness. It has been established that men aged 36–45 who are engaged in health-improving fitness by social status are dominated by employees – 66 % of them are found. The maximum share of visitors, namely 72 %, has higher education. Among men engaged in fitness, married men prevail – 64 % of them altogether and, accordingly, they have the opportunity to attend workouts primarily in the evening: this training regime is supported by 52 % of the respondents. As an aspect of mental health of the respondents, we evaluated the results of self-assessment of men by the expression «It's a shame that others often do not understand me». Thus, 66% of men answered that they never thought so, and no one showed that it seems to him that quite often. Very often and often they feel that they cannot improve relations for 6% of respondents, however, for 50 % of respondents this problem is not relevant. The distribution according to the conviction that people expect too much from them turned out to be the following: never – 24 %, rarely – 28 %, sometimes – 24 %, often – 16 %, often – 8 %. It has been established that 34% of respondents have excessive fitness self-esteem, which is 10 % more than the general self-esteem. At the same time, the share of men, which was 58 %, was 12 % bigger, and was determined by the average level of assessment of their abilities regarding training. In addition, 12 % of respondents had low self-esteem. It is proved that there is a close direct correlation (r = 0,93 p <0,05) between the level of self-esteem of men, obtained through express diagnostics of self-esteem level, and fitness self-esteem, was established by the method proposed by us.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Socio-Pedagogical Structure of Men aged 36–45 Years old Engaged in Recreational Fitness. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 82-92.