The Level of Anxiety of Younger Students who Are Engaged in Table Tennis


  • Vasily Kushnir National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Alexandr Futuyma Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


anxiety, competitive activity, factor analysis, primary school age


Topicality. Most studies on tennis, aimed at elite sport. Younger students are willing to accept with interest relate to innovation in table tennis, not necessarily as a game but as a special submarine exercises with the ball and racket.

The article highlights the anxiety level of junior high school students who are engaged in table tennis. This anxiety is regarded as one of the states of emotional and volitional components of mental readiness of the future tennis players.

The results. The criteria, which directly influence the formation of the level of anxiety in the light of the factor analysis. The scale of social desirability was not considered in the study. It was found that the majority of children of  8–10 years has normal levels of anxiety. Relevant is the individual approach during training and competitive activity of tennis which is not peculiar to her level of anxiety or slightly increased.

Findings. After some investigation to determine the level of anxiety in younger students during the competition, it should be noted that the presence of which is necessary for adaptation and productivity of both girls and boys. There is an urgent personal approach during training and competitive activity of tennis players about whom no inherent or her anxiety level increased slightly. Factor analysis points to the differences between boys and girls in the criteria influencing the level of anxiety and allows you to make adjustments on interviews with children focus before games to improve a competitive success at an early stage of the competition. Determining the level of anxiety is a component of a comprehensive selection of children in basic training.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

The Level of Anxiety of Younger Students who Are Engaged in Table Tennis. (2019). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 19, 103-107.