Conceptual Approaches in Explaining a New Vector of Formation of Personal Physical Training of Students in the Non-special Physical Training Education


  • Galyna Gonchar Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University


physical education, physical culture, professional activities, teaching activities, training of specialists


In the article considered the problem of physical education, which is a derivative of physical training and is regarded as a basic part of human culture, which is endowed with potential in the formation of a fully developed personality, conducted the analysis of scientific publi­ca­tions devoted to optimizing the educational process of training in the physical education and sport. In this paper special attention is paid for  the personal approach that provides understanding, knowledge, development and personal fulfillment of the future specialist in his professional integrity and harmony. Physical education has to promote intellectual and moral development, formation of and volitional and moral qualities and in this case, physical qualities will be developed itself. There is a necessity of laying the spiritual qualities in the  goal of physical education, and not just mechanistic conception of learning movement. In Ph.T. whole sence boils down to polishing movements, and physical education implies the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical motor skills. Question relating to non-special physical education – is everything you need to move to a new level of functioning Ph. E.


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Conceptual Approaches in Explaining a New Vector of Formation of Personal Physical Training of Students in the Non-special Physical Training Education. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 18, 43-47.