Conceptual Bases of Entertainment and Recreational Activities of Different Population Groups


  • Elena Andreeva National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


concept, recreational and health-related activities, conceptual approaches, conceptual provision, technology of designing, population groups


The paper provides theoretical substantiation to the concept of recreational and health promoting activity of different population groups to attract  people to the regular recreational and wellness programs. The concept is based on the methodology of systematic approach in which main issues were considered in development, interrelationship and mutual dependence, and on the views about the complex impact of the integrated system of recreation on a human which provides expanded renewal of psychophysical state, intellectual and productive forces. The developed concept of recreation and health promoting activity of different population groups includes theoretical and practical components. The theoretical component of the concept is based on dialectical, personal, axiological, activity, synergistic, socio-cultural, and systemic approaches, which form solid basis for setting the goals, and tasks, and defining the principles and conditions for their accomplishment. Practical component involves technology for designing recreational and health promoting activity.


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How to Cite

Conceptual Bases of Entertainment and Recreational Activities of Different Population Groups. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 16, 7-13.