Analysis of Methodological Approaches to Teaching the Techniques of Unarmed Combat


  • Rustam Akhmetov Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University


martial arts, training equipment motor actions


This paper presents an analysis of modern approaches to teaching the techniques of unarmed combat. Martial arts is a sport-applied direction of martial arts that allows you to play in different conditions and provisions of both single and multiple opponents, using four main types of equipment: drums, throwing, free from seizures, attacks with weapons and against him. The uniqueness of hand-to-hand fighting as taught to the technique of motor actions is that in the process of training sessions are modeled with varying degrees of conditionality situation of direct, face-to-face confrontation with the enemy. The formation of science-based content and methodologically justified sequence learning the technique of unarmed combat, is currently on fundamental theoretical and scientific positions. Scientific-methodological basis of learning technology of motor action is a holistic understanding of the learning process as a system that integrates the achievements of scientific theories to characterize its composition, structure and principles upon which it operates. Despite the fact that martial arts has long been firmly established in the curriculum of training in higher educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, training program, training methods melee classes by special physical training is constantly being improved. At the same time the problem of sequence learning techniques and identifying the most common mistakes in the learning process is one of the insufficiently developed in the theory and methodology of martial arts.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

Analysis of Methodological Approaches to Teaching the Techniques of Unarmed Combat. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 16, 162-166.