Analysis of Competitive Activity of Highly Skilled Athletes Specialized in Taekwondo at the XXX Olympic Games


  • Vladuslav Zarudny National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Yuriy Litvinenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


taekwondo, competitive activity, technical actions, highly skilled athletes


This paper presents an analysis of the competitive activity from the Olympics Games XXX video files of highly skilled athletes, who specialized in Taekwondo. In the analysis of competitive activity we counted the total number of attacked strikes, as well as the number of strikes for each technique. An analysis of competitive activity demonstrates that the highly skilled athletes use the despreading  kick actions at major competitions than it was permitted by the competition rules. It is rational to note this trend is specific for the quarterfinal, semifinal and final contests, where fighters tend to use well-learned techniques and actions, and take risks rarely performing more complex strike actions in technical plan, or less memorized strike actions that defines the volume of athlete’s competitive technical actions, which is more or less different from the training volume. It was found that the most common strikes which have been performed by highly skilled athletes at the competitions of the highest level, were lateral strikes, in particular the dollyeo chagi, ap chagi. The knockdowns have been recorded with the use of these techniques. A knockdown was performed using ap chagi in light weight category, and dollyeo chagi in heavy weight categoryfor example.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

Analysis of Competitive Activity of Highly Skilled Athletes Specialized in Taekwondo at the XXX Olympic Games. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 16, 166-172.