Myopia: Reasons, Prophylaxis and Correction



myopia, reasons, prophylaxis, correction


More than 90 % of information about an environment a man gets by means of sight. A human eye is a very sensible and thin mechanism. Therefore careless attitude toward sight generates mass of problems. Eye illnesses on the modern stage conduce to the decline of sight, and sometimes and to its loss. Purpose of work – to analyse the theoretical aspects of myopia, define the methods of her prophylaxis and correction. Research methods are an analysis and synthesis of sources of literature. In the articles theoretical aspects of myopia are analysed reasons of its origin, form, kinds and to stages of myopia. Certain factors, which influence on its development, and also substantive provisions of prophylaxis corrections of myopia. Conclusions – the principal reasons of myopia are the wrong form of eyeball, too strong refraction of light rays. To the basic factors which influence the development of myopia are inherited, lose of fabric of sclera, primary weakness of accommodation, lose of organism as a result of wrong feed, overstrain, row of diseases.


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How to Cite

Myopia: Reasons, Prophylaxis and Correction. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 15, 15-20.