Тhe Influence of Physical Exercise on the Development of Motor Activity of Students with Disabilities


  • Soslan Adyrkhaev University «Ukraine»


motor activity, a means of physical education, students with visual impairments, hearing impairment, locomotor apparatus


In the study the impact of effective means of physical education and sports training on the development of motor activity, taking into account characteristics of the locomotor apparatus of students with visual impairments, hearing impairment, locomotor apparatus is presented. When forming the conceptual foundations of physical education of students with disabilities, we took into account the need for the implementation of health technologies and innovative programs with strict adherence to the principle use of sports technology, fitness and Wellness exercise in athletic practice and practice on sports that are more appropriate for students with different nosologies and arouse interest in and demand for physical activity. Among the various systems of physical exercises, sports which are suitable both for Wellness and sports training of young people with disabilities effective types of physical activity can improve the functional state of the organism with the simultaneous physical development and the development of motor skills can be noted Wellness swimming, Aqua fitness, swimming, table tennis, wrestling, arm wrestling, sports dancing, volleyball, athletics, football, basketball, chess, checkers, General physical preparation. At the lessons of physical education of students with different nosologies used widely known physical means, namely, physical exercise, relaxation, domotor, breathing, rhythm, coordination, balance, corrective), games (mobile, sports). Developed complexes of physical exercises, which by its influence correspond to the ideas of depth, and orientation is conducive to the development of the necessary physical and volitional qualities, as well as mastering the technique chosen sport.


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Тhe Influence of Physical Exercise on the Development of Motor Activity of Students with Disabilities. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 15, 41-47. http://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/533