The Efficiency of Incorporation of Motor Asymmetry During Physical Activity to Ensure Adaptation Boys to Primary School


  • Lesija Galamandjuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


preschool, motor asymmetry, adaptation, learning activities


The study is grounded on the lack of information about effective approaches of use in pre-school physical activity for the prevention of existing negative trends, such as inadequate adaptation of learning activities of children in the first year of school. In this regard, the efficacy of a program, developed  a year earlier was determined to ensure adequate adaptation of boys in learning activities during the first year of primary school. The program included the incorporation of features which are marked with different boys thrust motor asymmetry. Using existing methods, such orientation was determined in 167 boys of 6 years, with the beginning of the ascertaining experiment started school, as well as their social status and psychological adjustment to such activities during the school year. Established that the use of traditional organization and content of physical activity in the last  year of learning in the preschool institution does not contribute to solving this problem: the first year of schooling and social psychological adaptation of boys with different focus motor asymmetry is significantly worse, that inadequate. Using the experimental program, on the contrary promotes adequate adaptation to the conditions of the boys, which marked the first year in school, that gives them a positive effect in solving dismissed his appointed task.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

The Efficiency of Incorporation of Motor Asymmetry During Physical Activity to Ensure Adaptation Boys to Primary School. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 15, 53-56.