Features of use the System Simulators DAVID for Traumatism Prophylaxis and Physical Rehabilitation of Injuries Musculoskeletal


  • Yuri Popadyuha National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Anastasiya Aleshinа Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Julia Yevtushenko Center Health Spine and Joint VOMED


prophylaxis, traumatism, simulators David, rehabilitation, injuries, musculoskeletal system, physical exercises


Topicality is pathology of the musculoskeletal system reaches 90 %, with proliferation. Almost 80 % men and 60 % women 40–50 years old have vertebral diseases. Risk have increased of household and sports injuries, diseases hands and feet. Task work is analysis of features preventive and rehabilitation technologies based on simulators DAVID in injuries and diseases the locomotory. The methodology for work is the analysis some features of simulators DAVID, using pilot studies with them. Results are analyzed features and advantages of simulators DAVID for rehabilitation and prophylaxis of injuries  musculoskeletal system. imposed results of experimental studies in the Health Center for spine and joints «Vomed» to evaluation effectiveness of physical rehabilitation with the using simulators DSC for recovery the lumbar spine. The positive dynamics were a general condition patients, reduce pain, increasing muscular endurance of muscles and motion in the lumbar spine, increasing motor possibilities, amending their psycho-emotional state and tone of deep muscles the spine, amending coordination abilities. Control testing showed positive developments indicators of lumbar muscle strength patients in a main group relative to a control group. Findings are that DAVID simulators series and based on them DSC and DBC methods  increase efficiency traumatism prophylaxis and physical rehabilitation of injuries musculoskeletal. Expanding research are feasibility on the efficiency for simulators DAVID in injuries prophylaxis and rehabilitation patients with injuries and diseases the musculoskeletal system.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Features of use the System Simulators DAVID for Traumatism Prophylaxis and Physical Rehabilitation of Injuries Musculoskeletal. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 15, 100-106. http://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/546