Physiotherapeutic Means in the Practice of Physical Rehabilitation of Athletes with Locomotor Apparatus Traumas


  • Larysa Shakhlina National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


physiotherapeutic means, physical rehabilitation, sports traumas of locomotor apparatus


The article presents analysis of special literature dealing with application of physiotherapeutic means in the practice of physical rehabilitation of athletes with locomotor apparatus (LMA) traumas. The discrepancy between physical loads and the functional capacities of this system in athletes is the cause of development of injuries and chronic diseases of the LMA.

Chronic physical overstrain of the locomotor apparatus is initially asymptomatic, accompanied by microtraumas with microcirculation disorders in the damaged area, followed by subsequent destructive and functional complications. Therefore, early rehabilitation of athletes with injuries and diseases of the LMA should be focused, above all, on restoring optimal microcirculation in damaged tissues by physiotherapeutic means that help to accelerate trophic and functional processes in injured tissues.

The objective is to study on the basis of literature data and substantiate the expediency of using physiotherapeutic means in the practice of physical rehabilitation of athletes with locomotor apparatus injuries. Experts in the field of sports medicine have concluded that the use of a number of modern technologies of therapeutic physical factors available in the conditions of training and competitive processes, limited contraindications and well tolerated by athletes can be recommended for the widespread usage for medical, rehabilitative and preventive purposes of the recovery of athletes with LMA injuries and diseases.


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How to Cite

Physiotherapeutic Means in the Practice of Physical Rehabilitation of Athletes with Locomotor Apparatus Traumas. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 23-27.