Purpose, Goals and Objectives of Physical Rehabilitation: Systematic Approach


  • Andrey Gertsik Lviv State University of Physical Culture


system of physical rehabilitation, purpose of the physical rehabilitation, goal of the physical rehabilitation, objective of the physical rehabilitation


Actuality. To solve terminological and other problems of physical rehabilitation it is advisable to apply a systematic approach. However, its use is difficult because of the uncertainty of system concepts, in particular «purpose» «goal», «objective».

Objectives of the study:

  • to consider the peculiarities of the physical rehabilitation from the standpoint of systematic approach;
  • to offer interpretation of terms the purpose, goal, objectives of physical rehabilitation.

Research methods: literature analysis, system analysis and synthesis, method of analogies.

Results. Basic components (elements) of the system of physical rehabilitation were selected on the basis of morphological (topological) descriptions. Functional components of physical rehabilitation were defined. It is found, that notion of system-forming factor of physical rehabilitation is not defined. An interpretation of the terms «purpose of the physical rehabilitation», «goal of the physical rehabilitation», «objective of the physical rehabilitation» was proposed. It was emphasized the importance of further study of the structural and functional components of the physical rehabilitation system.

Conclusions. The purpose serves as a system-forming factor of the system of physical rehabilitation. The purpose can be decomposed into goals of physical rehabilitation, which are system-forming factors of functional subsystems. The technique of goal setting in physical rehabilitation needs to be studied further.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Purpose, Goals and Objectives of Physical Rehabilitation: Systematic Approach. (2015). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 20, 121-126. http://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/350