Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention of Drug Addiction Through Physical Culture and Sports


  • Ihor Bakiko Lutsk National Technical University
  • Volodymyr Faydevych Lutsk National Technical University


healthy lifestyle, prevention, drug addiction, physical culture, sport, youth, educational institution


Presently, deterioration in health of the population, alcohol abuse, tobacco products, drug addiction remain the urgent problems. As a result, life expectancy decreases, the crime situation escalates, especially in the youth environment. The objective of the study is to develop a number of practical recommendations for teachers, lecturers and trainers on diversion of the youth from narcotic substances by involving them in systematic physical training and sports. Participants of the Study. The study involved pupils of the 8th grade (n = 61), 9th grade (n = 60), 10th grade (n = 49), 11th grade (n = 60) of Lutsk secondary schools No. 2, 10, 16, 20 and students 1 (n = 111) of the Faculty of Technology of Lutsk National Technical University and first-year students (n = 73) of the Faculty of Chemistry of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. Materials and Methods. The work uses the analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, general scientific methods of the theoretical level, such as: analogy, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, induction, and general scientific methods of the empirical level: observation, questioning, experiment. Results of the Work. Speaking about the prevention of drug abuse through physical culture and sports, we mean the formation of physical, mental and moral health of children, adolescents and young people as guarantors of confrontation with the addiction of psychoactive substances. Conclusions. Involving youth in systematic sports activities as much as possible is already itself an excellent measure to prevent drug addiction.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention of Drug Addiction Through Physical Culture and Sports. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 29, 34-39.