Age Dynamics of Physical Preparedness of Students of Secondary School Age with Deprivation of the Sensory Systems


  • Roman Ivanitskyi Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


physical preparedness, children of middle school age with a derivative of sensory systems, pedagogical testing, physical qualities


The objective of the study is to identify and analyze age-related changes in the indicators of physical fitness of children of secondary school age with a derivative of sensory systems. In the process of the research we have used the following methods: analysis of literary sources, pedagogical testing, to determine the level of development of speed, agility, flexibility, strength and speed-strength qualities, methods of mathematical statistics. The Results of the Study. In the process of investigation it was found out that in the period from 11 till 14 years old in boys and girls there is an increase in the studied indicators of physical qualities, however this process occurs in different ways. Conclusions. The obtained results prove that in boys and girls there is a statistically significant (p <0,05) increase in the studied parameters in the age aspect.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Age Dynamics of Physical Preparedness of Students of Secondary School Age with Deprivation of the Sensory Systems. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 29, 46-50.