Characterization of the Physical Development of Women of 36–44 Years Old Engaged in Slide Aerobics


  • Tetyana Prylutska National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Alla Alоshуna Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Oleksandr Solohub Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Olha Lazko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


slide aerobics, women of the second period of adulthood, physical development


Topicality. One of the areas of modern scientific research in the field of physical education is the study of the whole spectrum of issues related to health and its formation. An analysis of the scientific literature testifies to the agreed opinion of scientists that one of the main problems of modern society is to preserve and maintain the physical health of women of the second period of adulthood at the proper level. The scientific justification of fitness classes for women of mature age of the second period is of great interest to specialists. Objective of the research is to to study the features of the physical development of women of the second period of adulthood. Research methods analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, anthropometric research methods, methods of mathematical statistics. At the ascertaining stage of the study, 49 women of 36–44 years old participated in the research. It was found that in women aged 36–39 years old, the circumference of the chest, waist, hips, lower leg and muscle mass are not subject to normal distribution. It is worth noting that no statistically significant differences were found between the indicators of the physical development of women 36–39 and 40–44 years old (p> 0,05), with the exception of the upper leg coverage and fat mass, which were statistically significant for women aged 40–44 years old and higher (p <0,05). This trend was also confirmed by the analysis of the effect of age-related changes by the Quetelet index, which was statistically significantly (p <0,05) greater for women aged 40–44 than women aged 36–39. However, in women of both subgroups, the Ketle index fluctuated within normal limits.

The prospects for further research are related to the development of technology aimed at improving the motility of women of the second period of adulthood using the means of a slide aerobics system.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Characterization of the Physical Development of Women of 36–44 Years Old Engaged in Slide Aerobics. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 32, 38-43.