Information and Analytical System «Posture Control Database 1.0» – the Basic Foundation ofTechnology for Monitoring the Condition of the Musculoskeletal System of Children 5–6 Years Old with a Violation of Posture


  • Nataliya Nosova National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Tetyana Kolomiets National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Olena Maslova National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


posture, information-analytical system, physical rehabilitation, children of senior preschool age


In recent years, the scientific community has accumulated significant information about the close relationship between the state of the biogeometric profile of posture and human health. Today there is no doubt that posture as a phenomenon holistically represents a complexly organized object, the state of which is determined by the interaction of a number of factors: the morphological development of the musculoskeletal system, the effective functioning of life support systems, and the system of pedagogical effects on physical development in the process of physical exercises. The objective of the study is the development of the information-analytical system «Posture control database 1.0» for monitoring the state of the biogeometric profile of the posture of preschool children in the process of physical rehabilitation. Materials and Research Methods. In the course of the study were used: analysis and compilation of scientific and methodical literature, method of expert evaluations, meiody metematicheskoy statistics.

Results of the Study. Based on the results of the study and adhering to the basic principles of the construction of the technological process, it is recommended to monitor the state of the biogeometric posture profile of senior preschool children in the process of physical rehabilitation in accordance with the developed information and analytical system «Posture control database 1.0». Information and analytical system «Posture control database 1.0» contains 4 main tabs: «Diagnostics», «Reference», «Medical examination», «Report». Prospects for further research lie in the plane of implementation of the developed information-analytical system «Posture control database 1.0» in the process of physical rehabilitation of senior preschool children with impaired posture.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Information and Analytical System «Posture Control Database 1.0» – the Basic Foundation ofTechnology for Monitoring the Condition of the Musculoskeletal System of Children 5–6 Years Old with a Violation of Posture. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 32, 92-97.