The State of Development of the Issue of Using Multimedia Technologies in the Process of Adaptive Physical Education of Primary School Children with Deprivation of Sensory Systems


  • Viktoria Romanova
  • Lubov Plevachyk
  • Galina Vlasuk
  • Sergey Semenovych


adaptive physical education, primary school children, multimedia technologies, deprivation, eyesight, hearing, sensory system


The current state of informatization of education in Ukraine is characterized by the fact that a state policy in the field of informatization has been formed and is being implemented, the legal and regulatory framework is being actively created in the field of informatization and information activities. The introduction of information technologies, in particular multimedia tools, into education is one of the key problems of strategic planning, both nationally and globally, and represents an effective way to modernize the adaptive physical education system, particularly.

The objective of the study is to systematize the knowledge and results of practical experience on the use of information technology aimed at improving the efficiency of the process of adaptive physical education of primary school children with sensory systems deprivation. The Methods of the Research. The following research methods were used to perform the tasks: the analysis of scientific and methodical literature and documentaries, Internet sources.

On the basis of comprehensive reflection of scientific literature, it is proved that multimedia is not only informational, but also communication resources that affect society, and also helps to effectively organize the process of training and education. The introduction of multimedia learning tools is inevitable, although it is happening gradually. Taking into consideration the intensified development of multimedia technologies, their implementation in the educational process should be more rapid. Despite the categorical fact of the widespread use of multimedia in the process of adaptive physical education of primary school children with hearing impairment, there is a noticeable shortage of educational multimedia tools and programs available to the wide user.

Prospects for further research will be associated with the development of multimedia information-methodological system for its integration into the process of adaptive physical education of younger students with hearing impairment.


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Technologies of Education in Physical Сulture

How to Cite

The State of Development of the Issue of Using Multimedia Technologies in the Process of Adaptive Physical Education of Primary School Children with Deprivation of Sensory Systems. (2019). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 33, 20-26.