The Effect of Physical Therapy on Vegetative-Vascular Non-Motor Manifestations of Parkinson’s Disease


  • Andrey Labinsky


non-motor vegetative-vascular manifestations of Parkinson’s disease, physical therapy


Relevance – a significant problem in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease is caused by a combination of vegetative-vascular non-motor manifestations of it, which often precede the development of the disease and often come to the fore in the clinical picture, cause rapid professional and social maladaptation of patients, and complicate the differential diagnosis of the disease with hypertension, etc. . hypertensive conditions. The development of methods of physical therapy for non-motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease is extremely relevant given that drug treatment of this pathology is not effective enough. The aim of the study – was to develop a set of rehabilitation methods for physical therapy of non-motor vegetative-vascular manifestations of Parkinson’s disease (physical therapy, massage, in combination with nutritional correction of nutrition, hirudotherapy and apitherapy to assess the objective state of patients and a questionnaire for the detection of autonomic disorders according. Research methods – by a comprehensive examination of patients with vegetative-vascular non-motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease to analyze and evaluate the severity of non-motor syndrome manifestations for the development of a physical therapy program, taking into account the diversity and peculiarity of the pathogenesis links of the pathology under study, to study the condition of patients in the form of an objective examination of neurological symptoms, conduct an analysis according to anamnesis, conduct a survey of patients using a questionnaire according to autonomic disorders.  Methods such as radiographycomputed tomography and magnetic nuclear tomography were used. Having systematized the data of all examinations, to develop an effective physical therapy program in combination with physical exercises, manual therapy, therapeutic massage, hirudo, apitherapy and nutritional correction of vegetative-vascular non-motor manifestations of Parkinson’s disease to slow down the rate of development of the underlying disease.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

The Effect of Physical Therapy on Vegetative-Vascular Non-Motor Manifestations of Parkinson’s Disease. (2019). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 33, 124-29.