Development of Approaches of the Special Physical Training Optimization of Cadets of the Specialty «Armament and Military Equipment»


  • Vyacheslav Gunchenko Military Institute of Tank Troops of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"


physical and combat training, optimization of special physical training, methodological and organizational unit of physical training, psycho-physical unit, software and hardware unit


The article is devoted to the topical issue of optimization of the special physical training of students in the direction of training «Armament and military equipment». The ways and approaches to increase the status of physical training for successful completion of basic training items are considered. This article is based on our own research on improvement of implementation of the technical standards by optimizing physical fitness. It was shown in the studies that when choosing the optimal targeted exercises the parameters of the technical standards are radically improved, and it was also revealed that the optimization of physical preparation is a complex, multifaceted process consisting of individual selection, correspondence of the elements of physical development to the elements of implementation of the military-technical standards. In the study it is taken into account the approaches to optimizing physical fitness not only noted by the author, but also the optimization of the performance of tasks in the course of accomplishing the combat tasks of technical support units. The use of ACS made it possible to find the most effective approaches to optimize physical fitness. In general, the presented approaches allowed to optimize physical training and oriented this discipline to more targeted combat training for technical support units.


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Technologies of Education in Physical Сulture

How to Cite

Development of Approaches of the Special Physical Training Optimization of Cadets of the Specialty «Armament and Military Equipment». (2017). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 28, 34-38.