Motor Activity and Indicators of Physical Health Among Students of Senior School Age



motor activity, health, boys, girls, program, tourism


The article reveals the structure and volume of motor activity as well as physical health indicators among boys and girls aged 15–16. The particular structure and volume of motor activity have been used to implement the program of recreation. The following research methods have been applied: anthropometric method, pedagogical method, methods of mathematical statistics. The Framingham method has been applied to determine the daily volume of motor activity among boys and girls aged 15–16. The method of G. L. Apanasenko (i.e. express diagnosis of somatic health) has been applied to reveal the level of physical health. The study involved 50 students aged 15 (33 boys and 17 girls) and 49 students aged 16 (34 boys and 15 girls). The results of the study have confirmed the low level of motor activity among boys and girls aged 15–16. The percentage of the basic, sedentary and low motor activity forms approximately 93 % – 94 % of total daily motor activity among students aged 15–16, whereas the average and high level of motor activity is about 6–7 %. The girls (at the age of 15–16) have demonstrated lower level of motor activity in comparison to boys. However, no significant difference in the distribution of boys’ and girls’ motor activity levels has been found out (p> 0,05). Throughout our study, we have not detected students with high (safe) level of physical health among boys and girls aged 15–16. Assessment of somatic health level (by G. L. Apanasenko’s method) has allowed us to establish that boys and girls aged 15–16 have low level of somatic health. The obtained data of the pedagogical experiment have been applied to elaborate the program of recreation that includes elements of hiking.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Motor Activity and Indicators of Physical Health Among Students of Senior School Age. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 59-64.