Physical Health of Students and the Ways of its Improvement


  • Petro Petrytsa Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University


student, health, physical education, program


The article determines the level of the physical health of students, based on the express assessment of the physical health level (according to H. L. Apanasenko, 1992). The objective of this scientific investigation is to check the effectiveness of the author’s program «The formation of physical culture of the student’s personality» in order to improve physical health of students of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. The methods of the research are special scientific and methodological literature analysis; pedagogical experiment, qualitative analysis of the experiment results. The Research Organization. The basis of the work was the indicators of the physical health of the first and second year students of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. During the pedagogical experiment 125 students of the first and second courses of the main group (the control group (CG), n-64; the experimental group (EG), n-61) were tested. The Study Results. The express assessment results of the physical health level indicate that more than a half of the students have a low physical health level – 75, 95 % of students, below average – 20,11 %, average – 3,94 %. The use of the author’s program revealed an increase of the students with average, higher than average and high physical health levels in the experimental group due to the reduction of people with low and lower than average levels by 45,90 %. The total indicator of the average physical health level of the EG students has grown by 36,07 % of the initial indicator and was 37,70 % of students. Higher than average level became better by 6,56 %, the high physical health level of students by 3,28 %. Conclusions. It is necessary to involve young people in systematic physical exercises as much as possible, which is a great measure of improving the person physical state and his or her health in general.


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Technologies of Education in Physical Сulture

How to Cite

Physical Health of Students and the Ways of its Improvement. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 32, 19-24.